IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not really a true disease; it is classified as a functional disorder. Whatever it is classified as, if you have it, you suffer, and feel and are ill.

If you have it, we will outline what you should and should not eat here.

The usual symptoms are:

?Bloating and gas

?Constipation and / or


?Feeling like you still need to have a bowel movement after you've already had one

?Feeling a strong urge to have a bowel movement

?Pain and cramping

?Occasional mucus in the stools.

What are the examinations the doctor needs to do to confirm the diagnosis?

Physical exam

Blood tests

X ray of the bowel: This x-ray test is called a barium enema or lower GI (gastrointestinal) series. Barium is a thick liquid that makes the bowel show up better on the x ray. Before taking the x ray, the doctor will put barium into your bowel through the anus (a barium enema).

Endoscopy: The doctor inserts a long thin tube into your bowel. The tube has a camera in it, and other mechanical devices, so the doctor can look at the inside of the bowel to check for problems. What is the treatment? Is there a Cure?

Sadly there is no cure (as its not classed as a disease) but there are three methods used to alleviate the symptoms. These are: (in order of importance)

diet changes


stress relief

For diet change, see the rules below.

For medicines, you must speak to your doctor. There are several, but the most important may be for control of acute diarrhea. Stress does not cause IBS, but may trigger it (as does the wrong foods) so you must learn stress management (see our article on stress management.

As to diet, see these important rules below to control your symptoms and avoid the following food if you can, as they are known triggers to the symptoms of IBS:

Fatty foods like French fries , milk products like cheese or ice cream (except yogurt and parmesan cheese), chocolate, alcohol, caffeine (found in coffee and some sodas), carbonated drinks like soda.

Also do the following

Drink no less than 8 glasses of water daily

Eat foods rich in fiber. Fiber can be helpful because it improves how the intestines work, whether you have diarrhea, constipation or both.

Fiber also may reduce bloating, pain and other symptoms of IBS. It does this by bulking the stools and making them softer. Foods rich in fiber are: bran, carrots, apple, whole grain bread, and natural cereals (such as rice).

Eat natural yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, or any other of the cultured milk products that are not fatty.

Eat smaller portions, and more times per day, chewing your food at least 25 chews before swallowing.

Test which spices are ok for you. Ginger in small amounts can be really helpful. Hot chili and other similar spices are person specific. You must test yourself, and if the reaction is negative, avoid them from then on.

Remember that IBS is not going to kill you, but you must do your best to eliminate the symptoms. Proper rest, exercise and good mental attitude also can assure your return to a normal bowel.

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