Chronic Heartburn Could Be GARD

While most people suffer from heartburn and indigestion occasionally, chronic heartburn, which is typically defined as heartburn symptoms which are experienced more than twice per week, could be a symptom of something more serious. Chronic heartburn is one of the symptoms of acid reflux or gastrointestinal acid reflux disease, which is abbreviated GARD. Reflux is just a medical term that literally means to flow back. When stomach acid flows ?back up? the esophagus, we experience a burning sensation at the top of our stomachs, in our chest or throat. This is what most people refer to as heartburn.

Heartburn and indigestion may also be accompanied by bloating and/or gas. Certain foods have a tendency to create more gas in the stomach and the extra gas can cause the acid to bubble up leading to heartburn. Anything that puts extra pressure on the stomach, whether it is tight clothing or bloating from excess gas, can lead to heartburn. Chronic heartburn is probably not caused by excess gas. Many times people think that they have gas too often, but gas is a natural by-product of digestion and burping or passing gas after meals is normal and not cause for alarm. Heartburn and indigestion accompanied by gas may be relieved by taking an over the counter product such as Maalox anti-gas. These products relieve the bloating by bringing on burping, but have no effect on intestinal gas. If you are bothered by bloating or the amount of gas you experience, you may try a food or plant enzyme like Beano. These products are typically taken before meals that include foods that cause excess gas, such as beans and some vegetables.

Heartburn and indigestion is often accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth or the back of the throat. Those who suffer from chronic heartburn often experience this as well. Heartburn and indigestion as well as the sour taste can be relieved by peppermint or other mint oils. Antacids, such as Tums, are the choice of many, but some do not like the chalky taste. Peppermint is more pleasant tasting and soothing to the throat and is a common home remedy for heartburn and indigestion.

Heartburn and indigestion can be accompanied by chest pain, but chest pain should always be treated with caution. Chronic heartburn with or without chest pain should be evaluated by your physician. Chest pain that does not include the common symptoms of heartburn should be evaluated right away.

Sometimes people with heartburn and indigestion experience difficulty swallowing or a feeling that something is sticking in their throat. Chronic heartburn can cause a chronic cough, sore throat and/or chronic hoarseness. If untreated, chronic heartburn can lead to erosion of the lining of the esophagus. The esophagus has no special lining, like the stomach does, to protect it from stomach acid. It is possible to treat the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion at home, symptoms usually respond quickly to antacids. Chronic heartburn may be relieved by changes in diet and/or lifestyle. These changes are often advised even if a prescription medication that helps prevent chronic heartburn is given.

Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at

