Benefits And Importance Of Yoga For Elderly

Time and again we have been saying Yoga is not too old or too young for anyone. The sooner you start its better, but if you haven't had your time of glory in young age then you still can do it at your current age. Age, Sex, Religion, Race, Caste or Creed is no bar with yoga. You will only gain from it and not loose anything in life.

With the increasing age people have stopped doing their routine exercise which is totally wrong. By exercising or doing yoga you tend to get younger by age and heart. Age should never be a hindrance. It is very important that you continue the old lifestyle with control on your diet. Life gets to be very simple and easy to live in.

Make sure to consult your doctor if you are starting these yoga poses for the first time. Yoga not only has asana but other techniques such as breathing and meditation. It is a combination of all three which are very important. Pranayam is one of the basic exercises which everyone would start with. These are very simple and easy to do exercises. Meditation is also very helpful as it removes your stress and would get you to a place you could hardly know about.

These can cure many illnesses. A slow and gradual process would help you many ways and make this very simple. The common and simple things you can keep in mind is that, don?t exert yourself, don't bend too much, take your time and do the poses, whatever you do, see to it that these exercises do not cause pain while doing it.

Kevin Pederson, the webmaster for Yogawiz, mentions the importance of yoga for young as well as old, a boon for many who goes through this stage in their lifetime.

Ways To Keep Fit

With the high fat content and all the unhealthy ingredients in the American diet, it's important to take steps to ensure that you can keep in shape. In this article, we'll discuss some basic steps that you can take in your life to help you to stay fit.

- Watch what you eat. Fatty meats such as beef, pork, and ham should be consumed in small portions if at all, and you should opt for low-fat dairy products to keep your fat consumption to a minimum.

- Get an exercise buddy! We're much more likely to stick to an exercise schedule if we have a partner spurring us on, causing us to not want to disappoint our partner for a workout session. Simply having someone to work out with can increase the efficiency of your workout program quickly and efficiently.

- Record your results when working out. For example, if you do push-ups, record how many pushups you can do on a day-to-day basis. When you see that the number that you can do is increasing, you'll be spurred on to continue making progress. Also, by monitoring your progress, you can see when you hit a roadblock in your routine more easily, allowing you a better chance of finding the problem that is occurring.

- Eat fruits and vegetables as often as you can. Fruits and vegetables contain numerous nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Vitamins and minerals are prevalent in most every fruit and vegetable that you can eat. The National Cancer Institute recommends at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, but more can be even more beneficial to your health.

- Get outside! The sunlight provides Vitamin D which is important for the proper mineralization of bones. Also, those who spend time outside often experience less depression and more energy, giving you ample opportunity to increase your workout.

- If you're taking some time out watching TV, you can get a great workout while you watch! When the show that you are watching hits a commercial break, take the opportunity to do a set or two of sit-ups or pushups to help keep in shape. Doing some workout activity every commercial break can make you fit in no time!

These are just some basic tips when it comes to maintaining a proper level of fitness of the body. The proper method of staying in shape includes a combination of proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Fitness, Cooking, and Health

Many people turn to weight-loss programs for help in planning a daily diet and changing lifestyle habits. Before you begin a weight loss program, see your doctor for advice about your overall health risks and the weight loss options best for you. Health experts agree that the best and safest way for most adults to lose weight and improve their health is to modestly cut calories, eat a balanced diet and be physically active each day.

What you weigh is the result of several factors:

- The food you eat / how much food you eat

- Age and health status

- Lifestyle (includes regular physical activity)

- Whether you use food to respond to stress and other situations in your life

- Physiologic and genetic make-up

You need to take these factors into consideration when choosing a weight loss program. Successful weight loss and weight management should address all of these factors. When shopping for a weight loss program, ask for details about what foods and how many calories you?ll eat each day, and whether the program includes regular physical activity. Avoid any weight loss programs that claim that you can lose weight and keep it off without changing the foods you eat or increasing your physical activity.

A sensible weight loss program encourages you to follow advice from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, such as eating at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and choosing grains (including whole grains), lean meats and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. A good weight loss program will provide information that will help you make an informed decision.

Before you sign up for any weight loss program, make sure you have enough information about the following:

- Their staff members training, experience and credentials

- The risks of using the product or services

- All the costs of the program

- Studies that show what percentage of all customers have completed the program, how much weight they lost, and how successfully they've kept the weight off over a one-year period or longer

The program should teach you how to change permanently those eating habits and lifestyle factors, such as lack of physical activity that have contributed to weight gain.

To improve your chances for success, you should choose programs that focus on long-term weight management; provide instruction in healthful eating, increasing activity, and improving self-esteem; and address the potential health risks from weight loss. Some people lose weight on their own; others like the support of a structured program. Whether you lose weight on your own or with a group, remember that the most important changes are long term. Quick weight loss methods don't provide lasting results. Unless your health is seriously at risk due to complications from being overweight or obese, gradual weight loss should be your rule and your goal.

Copyright ? 2005. Bridget Mwape writes for the Bath & Body website at and also contributes content at:

Quit Smoking ? You Can Do It

Smoking is believed to be 10% physical addiction and 90% psychological addiction. The nicotine withdrawals usually subside in three days or less, but the psychological dependency on smoking is much more difficult to defeat.

In order to help you quit smoking, you need to do a self-analysis on the reasons you smoke and the reasons on why you want to quit smoking.

The easiest way to do this is to make a list. Label one column on why you started smoking and the other column on why you want to quit smoking.

In column one, list all the reasons you can remember as to why you started smoking. Was it peer pressure? Rebellion? Did you think it made you look cool? Did it make you feel like a grown-up? Really, try to remember the exact reasons why you started smoking and write them all down.

Now review your list of reasons why you smoke. Do any of those reasons still apply in your life today? More than likely the reasons you started to smoke does not apply to the reasons you smoke today. If you are like most people, you will see that your reasons for becoming a smoker are no longer valid, are often just silly, and are easily outweighed by the risks to your health and your family's well-being.

Now write a list on why you want to quit smoking. This one may seem obvious, but it can be a bit deceiving. You really need to take some time and think hard about this. Do not just list the obvious health reasons. You have been reading the Surgeon General's warnings for years with little effect, so you need to come up with reasons that truly have meaning for you.

The most common reasons that people to quit smoking are:

?I do not want to get lung cancer.
?I do not want to have a heart attack or a stroke.
?I would like to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up.

Certainly the list above are good reasons to quit, but the truth is, is that they are possibilities and not specifics. For example, sure, you might get lung cancer, you might have a heart attack or a stroke, and you might die young and miss seeing your grandchildren grow up, or you might not!

The bottom line is that you are not going to break a psychological addiction based on what might happen to you if you continue to smoke. Your addiction to nicotine will work hard to convince you that it will not happen to you.

The alternative is to list health problems that you are experiencing now. Your list should point out things in your life that you are actively unhappy about and are STRONGLY MOTIVATED to change. In order to break your psychological addiction, you need a battery of new thoughts and desires that are stronger than your desire to smoke!

For example, the list below identifies that most smokers can relate to right now. Not what might be.

Health Reasons

?I get so out of breath when I exert myself even a little bit. Just vacuuming the house makes me pant and gasp.

? My feet are always cold. This could be due to high blood pressure and poor circulation associated with smoking.

?I have a nasty wet cough and I have to blow my nose excessively. Mucus build-up is the body's reaction to all the toxins and chemicals in cigarette smoke and could be a precursor to serious respiratory disease. Even if I do not get cancer, I do not want to be one of those people who have to carry an oxygen bottle.

?I am always tired. Could it be that my body is using up all its energy trying to eliminate the toxins and chemicals from cigarettes?

Vanity Reasons

?Smoking causes premature aging and drying of the skin. I do not want to look like a wrinkled up old prune!

?My fingers, fingernails and teeth are all tobacco stained. Disgusting! How embarrassing.

?When I get on the elevator after a smoke break at work, everyone wrinkles their nose and tries to edge away from me because I reek of cigarette smoke. I feel like a leper. It is embarrassing to be the smelly one the elevator. I feel like I have no self-control.

? My breath is awful. Kissing me must be like kissing an ashtray. I spend a fortune on breath mints.

Financial Reasons

?If I save all the money I used to spend on cigarettes, I will have enough to take a vacation in Cancun (or some other warm tropical place) every winter!

?I could use the money to pay off my credit cards!

?I could donate money to my favorite charity or sponsor a child. My cigarette money could make the world a better place!

Family Reasons

?My family can stop worrying about me.

?My spouse will have to find something new to nag about to me.

?My children will be proud of me and they will never start smoking themselves, having seen firsthand what a nasty destructive habit it is.

Cleanliness Reasons

?The walls used to be white. Now they are a nasty dirty-looking brown. I need to repaint... again!

?I stink, my car stinks, my house stinks, everything I own reeks of cigarette smoke. I cannot even lend a book to a non-smoking friend because they cannot stand the smell of smoke permeating the pages!

Do you see yourself in any of the items listed above? You may have many more reasons of your own. Write down as many compelling and emotion reasons to quit smoking as you can think of.

If you can re-train your mind to think of smoking as a silly and self-destructive thing to do, then you are almost sure to succeed.

For more information about quit smoking, visit Quit Smoking.

Let's Create Sultry Smoky Eyes

They say there is nothing sexier than a pair of sultry smoky eyes, smoky eyes done so right that they can cause a man to stop dead in his tracks.

But - do you know how to create such a perfect set of smoky eyes?
What you need to get started:
Eye Primer
Loose powder
Dark Eyeshadow
Medium - grey eyeshadow
Black Mascara
Magic Lash Eyelash Enhancer

Now the idea is to be able have smoky eyes, yet not look so much like you forgot to take your eye makeup off last night. Even though, that has been known as a turn on for a quite lot of men makes them wonder what you been up. To start creating the look you must have a base for it. This helps to keep the color in one place. Smooth on a eyeshadow primer, some say foundation is good to use as long as its color doesn't take away from what you are trying to achieve. Now pat on loose powder setting the base. The real secret to the smoky look is in the color eyeshadow you use.

Tips: If your eyes are blue and you're blond, then go for greens instead, the darker the better. If your eyes are green then go for blues again the darkest shades of blues you like. If your eyes are brown then you are just plain lucky with your choices of colors. Brown eyed ladies can try any colors you like. Now purple eyeshadow is a color that everyone can try. Just try it in Plum, Berry and others like those.

Rim your eyes with a black or grey pencil drawing a line along both upper and lower lash line. Starting from inner corner of your eyes going outward starting a fine line going into a heavier line as you draw outwards the outer corner.

If black or grey seems too harsh for the look you're going for, then try either dark brown, plum or taupe instead.

Apply a medium - grey eyeshadow all over your lids, stopping at the crease. Apply your dark eyeshadow into the crease, then take a angled brush and apply the dark eyeshadow onto the eyeliner and then smudge it well with a cotton swab keeping as much of the color at the outer corner of your eyes. The angled brush is great for getting eyeshadow up under your lashes on the bottom which in turn helps keep your eyeliner in place. It's the smudging that has got to be done carefully. The idea is to blend the eyeshadow and eyeliner together. If you wanted a more feline aka cat eyes then using a liquid eyeliner would be best.

Helping to contrast the darkness of your eyeshadow, sweep a pearlized ivory eyeshadow over your brow bones for a wide-eyed look. By applying a little at a time, you are building up the effort gradually till you like what you see. Finishing off the look with one coat of black mascara, one coat of Magic Lash if you want super long,lush lashes to go along with this look, then one more coat of black mascara.

Dark colors trend to make small eyes look even smaller, you can open them up by lining the rims from the inner to the center with a light-colored pencil, rather than dark pencil, pat on pale eyeshadow on the center of each lid. That should cause the small eyes to seem bigger.

For the rest of this ideal look. Finish off by using a tawny blusher or a bronzing powder. Its natural color won't complete with the rest of your makeup. Sweep it over your cheekbone, blending away to the edges into your hairline. Keeping your lips neutral gives this look its real impact. Go for a pinkish - beige shade of lip pencil and smudge it over your entire mouth for a matte, I justed been kissed yet very understated effect. Now your eyes are ready for whatever you might have planned. This look can be toned down for work but who would want to?

Copyright 2005 Kim Snyder Owner of Great lover of beauty care
and products,never happy without trying to make the world a little prettier for all.
Visit to see the latest in beauty products and skin care.
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A Brief Overview of Prostate Prevention

Twenty years ago, a prostate problem usually led to cancer, and ultimately, death. Medical advances and further understanding of the human body has led to an increased awareness of how the prostate becomes damaged and more importantly, new ways of prostate prevention.

Prostate prevention is such a major topic because over half the men in the United States will develop some form of prostate difficulty past the age of 50. However, prostate cancer grows extremely slowly and if proper prostate prevention is employed, can be treated and avoided before any serious physical harm is caused.

One of the major breakthroughs in prostate prevention has been the development of the Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) ? a blood test that detects possible prostate cancer before it has a chance to grow. Combine the PSA test with a digital rectal exam and the chances are nearly 100 percent that all prostate cancer can be detected in time for treatment and a cure.

As long as the cancer has not spread outside the prostate gland a cure can be found. Once the cancer migrates outside the prostate it is incurable so it is especially important for men over 50 to get routine screenings. Patient education and raising awareness of how preventable prostate disease is can help virtually wipe-out the condition.

Targeted radiation and surgery, as long as the cancer is found early, can be up to 95 percent effective in curing the disease. This is an astounding rate of success ? one of the highest for any disease.

In addition to age, there are other factors to consider for prostate prevention. Studies have proven that African-American men develop the disease more than other groups. Genetics has also been proven to play a part in developing prostate problems. If there is a history of prostate cancer in your family the chances of developing the disease increases.

Studies have indicated that diets high in fat can spur prostate problems. Other research that focused on men who eat high quantities of vegetables verses men that don?t have led researchers to believe that a high-vegetable diet is essential to prostate prevention. While the research is not concrete, it is reasonably safe to assume that maintaining a healthy diet, exercise, limiting junk food, alcohol and the consumption of red meat can help prostate prevention.

Read more about Prostate Prevention and other related Prostate News by visiting Mary's site at:

Breast forms can be useful for a number of reasons. They have been identified as an important alternative to reconstructive surgery post mastectomy surgery. Reconstructive surgery is less advantageous because it requires more surgery. Not only must a patient go through one reconstructive surgery, but further operations may be required in the future. Also, for cancer patients, if doctors find that the cancer has advanced, breast reconstruction may interfere with the treatment. Not to mention the common side effects implants may have. With some implants, most commonly saline implants, Capsular Contracture may occur (Imaginis- the Breast Cancer Resource). This is when the scar around the implant begins to tighten and squeezes down on the soft implant inside. This can have a negative effect by causing the breast to feel hard. These are just a few reasons why reconstructive surgery is sometimes frowned upon. Surgery can, however have its positive aspects. A lot of times you can have the reconstructive surgery directly following your mastectomy. This means you would not have to go under the knife twice; they would do this process while you are still under. Implants are also preferred over breast forms because they are permanent and can seem like less of a hassle.

Prosthesis, or breast forms, is an excellent alternative to surgery. They mirror the approximate movement, feel, and weight of natural tissue. It is very important to have a properly weighted breast form because it provides the balance your body needs for correct posture. Very few problems occur when using breast forms. Some have said that they feel a bit heavy at first (American Cancer Society). However, this does fade as you get used to them. Also, some forms may cause some skin irritation. This also can be resolved by putting the breast forms into a bra with a pocket.

Common questions that arise include, what kind of bra would I need to wear with a breast form? The answer is that you can wear any type of bra you prefer. You may even wear the bras you were wearing before mastectomy surgery. Many wonder whether or not others will be able to tell if they are wearing them. Breast forms are very inconspicuous. They are under your clothing and therefore look no different from natural tissue breasts. Aside from the initial heaviness at first, they aren?t even all that noticeable to you, the wearer. Questions are sometimes asked regarding the possibility of wearing the breast forms while swimming in the summer. No problem! Most breast forms do fine in the pool with chlorine. Swimming should not affect them. As far as swimsuits go, there are plenty of suits that will hide the breast forms well. A string-bikini may not be the best choice. However, a suit that covers your chest more fully, would keep them unnoticeable to others.

Overall, we see that there are answers out there. And for those who do not want to go under the knife again, there is a great alternative. Breast forms can fit practically any body type and any lifestyle. The cons of using breast forms are fewer than the cons of getting reconstructive surgery. Breast forms aren?t permanent and can always be changed to fit you. However, both of these options are out there and should be considered. What makes you happy and comfortable should come first and foremost.

Truekare is an online retailer of high quality silicone breast forms. Find out more about us at Truekare Breast Forms.
